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 Lions Club Commemorates 10th Anniversary in Honor of Late PDG Yinka Bolarinwa (Video)

In a solemn ceremony held at the Oranmiyan Hall, Airport Hotel Lagos, the Lions International, Multiple District 404 Nigeria marked the 10th anniversary memorial service for Lion PDG Yinka Bolarinwa, themed "Face of the Future." The event saw the launch of commemorative pins, free eye screening, and eyeglasses distribution for journalists as part of the tribute to the late leader's selfless contributions.

Lion Chief Mrs Nanna Okuribido

Speaking  deep with societal concerns, Lion Chief Dr. Anita Nanna Okuribido, Charter President of Lagos Apex Lions Club, and Founder/Chairman of Women Green Energy Institute, reminisced about her years of service alongside PDG Bolarinwa. She described him as a "goal-getter" who played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Lagos Apex Lions Club.

Dr. Okuribido shared a touching account of her encounter with PDG Bolarinwa during an International Convention in South Korea. "He convinced me to charter a club, simplifying what seemed an impossible task," she said. Thanks to his guidance, the Lagos Apex Lions Club, celebrating its 10th anniversary in January 2024, has become one of the most impactful clubs in District 404B-2.

Highlighting the club's achievements, Dr. Okuribido emphasized its monthly activities based on the five pillars of service, including environmental initiatives, diabetic screening, feeding the hungry, eye operations, and active participation in the "Reading Action Program for children."

In honor of PDG Bolarinwa's memory, the Lagos Apex Lions Club has established an annual medical outreach in the community, with plans to name the upcoming initiative after the late leader. Dr. Okuribido revealed that PDG Bolarinwa was passionately working towards securing a Lions Club headquarters before his untimely demise.

As a parting message to the public, Dr. Okuribido urged everyone to be impactful, passionate, and precise in their endeavors, echoing PDG Bolarinwa's commitment to precision in service. The commemoration serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy left behind by Lion PDG Yinka Bolarinwa, the "Face of the Future."

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