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NASPRI Honors Newly Promoted Naval Officers in Badge Decoration Ceremony

  In a prestigious ceremony held at the Headquarters, NASPRI Admin Complex in Muhammadu Buhari Cantonment, Giri Abuja, Lt Col Adamu Ngulde, the Ag Commandant of the Nigerian Army School of Public Relations and Information (NASPRI), adorned six recently promoted student Naval Officers with their new ranks. 

This recognition came as a result of their elevation from Sub-Lieutenants to Lieutenants in the Nigerian Navy, courtesy of the Chief of Naval Staff's 2023 promotion. 

The honored officers, all members of Course 25, Direct Short Service (DSS), were undergoing the Media Operations Officers Course (MOOC 13/2023) at NASPRI during their promotion. 

Lieutenants SS Aidi, AO Akor, CE Akor, LE Antai, SO Nasiru, and OO Omole were among those decorated, having pursued both military and civilian courses commensurate with their ranks. 

The Director General of Voice of Nigeria, Alhaji Jibril Baba Ndace, graced the occasion as the Special Guest of Honour. In his address, he encouraged the newly decorated officers to uphold the reputation of the Nigerian Navy, emphasizing the importance of family care and responsible parenthood.

 The Commandant, in his remarks, congratulated the officers on their well-deserved promotion and challenged them to strive for excellence in the face of future challenges. He underscored the need for hard work, loyalty, and commitment to the Nigerian Navy and the nation, urging them to excel in their academic pursuits. 

Lt SS Aidi, representing the decorated officers, expressed gratitude to the Chief of Navy Staff for the trust and impactful knowledge impartation. Aidi pledged, on behalf of his fellow beneficiaries, to maintain the highest standards in their military careers. 

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