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Successful Junior Secondary School Debate Marks 20th Anniversary Celebration of PCRC MAN Center Division

" Police is Your Friend" Debate Inspires Community Unity and Security Consciousness 

The 20th-anniversary celebration of the PCRC MAN Center Division was marked by an engaging debate on the topic "Police is Your Friend," bringing together junior secondary school pupils at WEMABOD ESTATE.

The event garnered widespread attendance, with students passionately debating the pivotal role of the police in fostering community relationships. Hon. Àdedamola Richard Kasunmu, the Deputy Majority Leader and Ikeja Constituency , expressed enthusiasm about the positive changes witnessed in the community-police relationship over the years.

Kasunmu commended the Parents-Teachers Association for entrusting their children to the police for the celebratory program, emphasizing the evident communal bond. He noted significant improvements in infrastructure, outlook, and overall performance of MAN Centre.

He also highlighted the success of community policing initiatives, particularly praising the safety corps created by the LEGO State House of Assembly. The collaboration between the safety corps and the Nigerian police has contributed to a decade of peace and security in the Ikeja community.

The Chairman of the PVRC MAN Center Division, Mr. Kolapo Jelili Kolawole, expressed pride in the achievements of the center and emphasized the importance of robust relationships between citizens and the police.

The occasion, graced by the presence of neighboring community leaders, showcased the commitment to discussing and strengthening policing affairs. Kasumu stressed the need for security education, especially for the younger generation, in the face of evolving security challenges.

In his closing remarks, he urged parents to prioritize their children's security education, fostering a sense of consciousness to navigate potential threats. The overarching theme, "Police is Your Friend," resonated as a call to protect lives, property, and community well-being.

The successful event concluded with a shared commitment to sustaining the positive community-police relationship, ensuring a secure environment for future generations.

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