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Customs Collaborates with DG TAXUD EU for Enhanced Export Monitoring and Trade Facilitation

In a strategic move aimed at bolstering export monitoring and trade facilitation, the Nigeria Customs Service NCS has forged a partnership with the Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union DG TAXUD of the European Union EU.

L-R: Gary Wilkinson, representing DG TAXUD and EUComptroller General of Customs, Bashir Adewale Adeniyi

During a high-level meeting held at the Corporate Headquarters of NCS on February 27, 2024, the Comptroller General of Customs, Bashir Adewale Adeniyi, unveiled plans for closer collaboration between NCS and DG TAXUD to streamline export monitoring and documentation processes.

As the designated authority for rules of origin, the Nigeria Customs Service is committed to ensuring a seamless export regime. The Comptroller General reiterated the importance of fostering peaceful trade relations, emphasizing that prosperity thrives when trade flows smoothly.

Acknowledging the initiative as a significant step toward economic integration, the CG expressed enthusiasm for the Registered Exporters initiative, viewing it as a catalyst for enhanced cooperation between the two economic blocs.

Seeking to establish a robust framework, the CGC proposed the development of a digital platform to verify and validate export commodities, underscoring the importance of efficient document validation.

In a bid to streamline export procedures, NCS is collaborating with other Nigerian government agencies to maximize trade opportunities and expedite export processes. Efforts are underway to establish a 'one-stop-shop' export center to expedite export documentation and reduce processing times.

Furthermore, NCS recently launched Time Release Studies to assess import clearance efficiency, with plans to conduct similar studies for exports. The objective is to identify and address bureaucratic bottlenecks hindering swift export clearance.

Gary Wilkinson, representing DG TAXUD EU, highlighted the tariff benefits available under the Generalized System of Preference GSP scheme, emphasizing the importance of verifying product origin to qualify for tariff discounts. He reaffirmed the commitment to cooperation between customs departments to ensure trade agreements are upheld.

The collaboration between NCS and DG TAXUD heralds a new era of cooperation, aiming to enhance trade facilitation, promote economic growth, and foster mutually beneficial trade relations between Nigeria and the European Union. Stay tuned for further developments as this partnership unfolds.

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