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Lion Oluomo Sunday Akere's Campaign DG Outlines Vision for District Governor Role

Campaign DG, Lion Ande Moradeke Bosede

In an exclusive interview with Lion Ande Moradeke Bosede, the Campaign Director-General for Lion Oluomo Sunday Akere, key insights into their campaign strategy and vision for the Lion's Club District Governor role emerged. Bosede highlighted their focus on welfarism and empowering Lion members' businesses to fulfill their commitments.

"Promising welfarism with a focus on encouraging Lion members' businesses to thrive is our cornerstone," Bosede emphasized. "We aim to uplift our community by empowering our members economically."

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Aspiring for the position of District Governor, Second Vice, Akere aims to collaborate with other leaders to elevate the district's impact positively. "We're committed to steering the district towards greater heights," Bosede expressed.

Lion Hon. OLUOMO Sunday Akere,MJF, Nlcf and his Campaign-DG, Lion Ande Bosede

The campaign team has been actively engaging with clubs through presentations, fostering connections with club presidents, board members, and individual members. "We've made significant progress in reaching out to clubs for support," Bosede stated, noting plans to commence club visitations soon.

Reflecting on Akere's suitability for the role, Bosede praised his leadership qualities, integrity, and unwavering commitment. "My principal is a seasoned politician with versatile experience, impeccable integrity, and a genuine passion for the Lion's Club," Bosede asserted.

Addressing her role as Campaign DG, Bosede highlighted her close relationship with Akere and her dedication to his vision. "He has been a mentor and a pillar of support in my life," Bosede shared. "I wholeheartedly embrace the opportunity to serve as his DG."

Looking ahead, Bosede emphasized the transformative impact Akere's leadership could have on the Lion's Club. "His visionary approach and commitment to partnership and sustainability will propel the club forward," Bosede remarked. "Together, we will work towards a brighter future for the Lion's Club."

Lion Bosede affirmed their readiness to lead the campaign and support Akere in his bid for the District Governor role. "We are poised to make a significant difference," Bosede declared. "With the support of our members, we will realize our vision for a stronger and more vibrant Lion's Club."

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