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Lion Oluomo Sunday Akere: A Visionary Leader for District 404B2 Nigeria

In the bustling world of Lionism, where service is paramount and dedication is key, one Lion stands out as a beacon of hope and progress. Meet Lion Oluomo Sunday Akere,MJF, NLCF.  A seasoned member of the OSUN New Era Lions Club in district 404B2 Nigeria, who is vying for the esteemed position of Second Vice District Governor.

Lion OLUOMO Sunday Akere MJF,Nlcf

With a legacy spanning over a decade within the Lions Club, Lion Oluomo has traversed various leadership roles, from being a charter member to serving as club president, Zone chair, and region chair. His journey has taken him far and wide, attending international conventions in cities like Chicago, Houston, Las Vegas, and Milan, among others, where he has garnered invaluable experience and insights into global Lionism.

L-R: Past District Governor Alex; Lion Oluomo Sunday Akere, PID,HOB Lawal

In an exclusive interview with Societal Concerns, The Osun State former Commissioner for Information and Strategies, Lion Oluomo expressed his unwavering commitment to elevating the service and contribution of Lionism to new heights in District 404B2 Nigeria. He emphasized the need for increased membership growth and welfare support for existing members, citing it as a crucial aspect of his campaign agenda.

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Lion Oluomo's vision is aligned with the international president's agenda of boosting membership from 1.4 to 1.5 million, a goal he believes District 404B2 Nigeria can achieve through strategic initiatives and partnerships with the government. He stressed the importance of providing financial assistance to members facing economic challenges, thereby ensuring their active participation in Lionism's noble cause.

Furthermore, Lion Oluomo emphasized the significance of nurturing the next generation of leaders through active involvement of Leos, Lions youth. He shared his personal experience of establishing a Leo club and advocating for their support during challenging times, highlighting the crucial role they play in the future of Lionism.

In closing, Lion Oluomo appealed to all Lions and clubs within District 404B2 Nigeria to rise above sentiments and misinformation, and focus on the shared goal of service and commitment. He urged clubs to ensure good financial standing and active participation in the upcoming multiple conventions, emphasizing the importance of unity and solidarity in shaping the future of Lionism in Nigeria.

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As Lion Oluomo Sunday Akere embarks on his journey to become the next Second Vice District Governor, his message of unity, service, and progress resonates deeply within the Lion community. With his leadership, District 404B2 Nigeria is poised for a new era of growth, impact, and transformation.

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