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Retired Immigration Officers Extend Support to New Comptroller General, Nandap

In a show of solidarity and support, the National Association of Retired Immigration Officers (NARIO) extended warm felicitations to the newly appointed Comptroller General of the Nigeria Immigration Service, Kemi Nanna Nandap. The visit, marked by camaraderie and camaraderie, took place at the Service Headquarters in Abuja.

Led by Assistant Comptroller General Ezekiel S Kaura (retd), the delegation conveyed heartfelt congratulations to CGI Kemi N Nandap, lauding her well-deserved appointment as the 19th Comptroller General of the Service. During the courtesy visit, Kaura emphasized the need for swift action to bolster the Service's workforce, advocating for professionalism and motivation to enhance the nation's security landscape.

The association pledged unwavering support, promising timely assistance to ensure the success of the new Comptroller General and the continued relevance of the Service. Highlighting the wealth of experience within their ranks, they offered invaluable contributions to safeguard the Service's institutional memory.

Additionally, the association urged the new management to prioritize border operations and intelligence gathering while advocating for enhanced migration management. They emphasized the importance of staff capacity development and welfare programs, signaling their readiness to mentor and coach young personnel.

In her response, Comptroller General Nandap expressed gratitude for the association's support and affirmed her commitment to collaboration and engagement. She promised careful consideration of the association's recommendations for potential implementation, underscoring her open-door policy for future interactions.

The visit saw the presence of notable NARIO delegates, including retired ACG Usman Abdullahi, CIS Kayode Musa, and CIS AI Ogar, further highlighting the significance of the occasion. As the new Comptroller General assumes her role, the backing of retired immigration officers stands as a testament to the unity and dedication within the Service's ranks.

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