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 FUPRE: Shaping the Future of Petroleum Education.


The Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun (FUPRE) is set to cement its status as Africa’s leading institution for petroleum-related education, training, and research. Established in 2007 and formally enacted into law in 2017, FUPRE remains the first and only petroleum university in Africa and the sixth of its kind in the entire world.

With a carefully crafted and clear vision to be “the premier international institution with state-of-the-art facilities to provide the petroleum and allied sectors, world-class education, training, research, consultancy and extension services,” FUPRE is ready to make a significant contribution to the development of Nigeria's oil and gas industry.

The university's objectives are multifaceted – to create top quality human resources to enhance local content in the oil, gas and energy sectors; to design and deliver cutting-edge education and training programs for industry professionals; to engage in research, consultancy and development activities; and to promote economic development in the local community and beyond through its educational and outreach initiatives. 

The strategic location of FUPRE within Nigeria's petroleum belt provides it with a variety of strengths that set it up for success.. These include specialized facilities and equipment, a growing cadre of highly qualified academic staff, robust industry linkages, and a transparent admissions process that emphasizes merit. The university has also established nine academic centers of excellence covering areas such as corrosion research, environmental management, and maritime and offshore studies. 

“FUPRE is a necessity. It holds the key to innovative energy research and commercialization of research outcomes for the common good of our nation,” said Mr. President




prominent stakeholder also alluded to the fact “We are on the right path, and better late than never in establishing this critical institution.” 

With its clear focus, robust capabilities, and strong government backing, FUPRE is poised to become the premier destination for petroleum-related higher education, training, and research in Africa. Its success will be crucial in developing the local content and technical expertise needed to drive Nigeria’s oil and gas industry forward. 




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