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District 404-B2 Ushers in New Leadership with High Hopes for 2024/2025 Lion Year

 As the new Lion Year begins, District 404-B2 celebrates the achievements of the past and looks forward to an even brighter future.  Lion Emmanuel Fagbohun, PMJF NLCF tenure as District Governor has been marked by remarkable progress and community impact. Taking the helm as the new District Governor is Lion Tolulope Sebanjo PMJF, NLCF, who promises to build on the strong foundation laid by his predecessor.

The First District Governor, 404-B2, Nigeria, Lion Oluwakemi Eribake MJF, NLCF 

Under the leadership of Lion Prof. Emmanuel Fagbohun, District 404-B2 witnessed significant advancements in various service projects, membership growth, and community outreach programs. His tenure was distinguished with focus on lions purpose which includes Vision, Diabetes,  education, youth, environment and more . Notable projects included the establishment of new libraries and hospitals in underserved areas, health camps offering  free medical services, and tree-planting drives that contributed to environmental sustainability. Prof. Fagbohun's commitment to the Lions' motto, " Serve together: ...scceed together!," has left an indelible mark on the district and set a high standard for future leaders.

As Lion Tolulope Sebanjo steps into the role of District Governor, there is a palpable sense of anticipation and optimism. Known for his dedication and innovative approach, Lion Sebanjo has outlined an ambitious agenda for the 2024/2025 Lion Year. His vision includes expanding the reach of service projects, fostering greater collaboration among clubs within the district, and leveraging technology to enhance communication and project management.

Second Vice District Governor, 404-B2, Nigeria, Lion Sunday OLUOMO Akere, MJF, NLCF 

Joining Lion Sebanjo in the district's leadership team are Lion Oluwakemi Eribake, who resumes the office of First Vice District Governor, and Lion Oluomo Sunday Akere, who takes on the role of Second Vice District Governor. Both leaders bring a wealth of experience and a shared passion for service and membership growth further strengthening the district's leadership.

As District 404-B2 looks forward to the 2024/2025 Lion Year, members and communities alike are filled with high expectations. The district's commitment to serving those in need remains unwavering, and with new leadership at the helm, there is every reason to believe that the best is yet to come.

We wish all members of District 404-B2 a productive and fulfilling Lion Year 2024/2025

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