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Persons Living with Disabilities Turn to Innovative Solutions Amid Economic Hardships 

In an era where securing three square meals is increasingly challenging, persons living with disabilities in Nigeria are finding it particularly difficult to navigate the economic landscape. However, resilience and ingenuity are helping many to adapt and survive.

The adage, "the lame man who hears the rumors of war knows what to do," aptly describes the situation for many individuals with disabilities. Faced with harsh economic realities, they have adjusted their lifestyles and employment strategies to ensure their survival.

In the Arewa community, there has been a concerted effort to support members with disabilities by integrating them into the transportation sector. The use of tricycles, popularly known as keke Maruwa, has become a common occupation. Persons with disabilities use these tricycles to transport passengers, earning a steady income and providing a vital service to the community. This initiative not only solves the problem of mobility but also offers a dignified means of livelihood.

Wheels Mobile Store 

Moreover, others in this category have found creative ways to generate daily income by converting their wheelchairs into mobile stores. This innovative approach allows them to sell goods and services directly from their wheelchairs, creating a mobile marketplace. Such enterprises help to discourage street begging, highlighting the abilities and entrepreneurial spirit of those with disabilities.

These initiatives underscore the potential for self-sufficiency and the importance of community support in overcoming economic challenges. By leveraging their unique abilities and resources, persons living with disabilities in Nigeria are finding new ways to contribute to the economy and secure their livelihoods.

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