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Customs, FRSC Stage 5km Walk to Promote Work-Life Balance and Inter-Agency Collaboration

In a bid to promote work-life balance and strengthen inter-agency collaboration, the Comptroller-General of Customs (CGC), Adewale Adeniyi, and the Corps Marshal of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Shehu Muhammad, co-led a 5km walk on Saturday, August 17, 2024. The event, themed “Work-Life Balance,” brought together officers and men of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) and FRSC in a rare show of camaraderie aimed at fostering a stronger relationship between the two agencies.

The walk commenced at 6 a.m. from the FRSC Headquarters, with participants navigating through Herbert Macaulay Way to the Wuse Market traffic light before returning via Maputo Street to their starting point. The exercise aimed not only to promote physical well-being but also to bolster the unity and collaboration necessary to enhance security operations in Nigeria.

CGC Adeniyi expressed his satisfaction with the outing and underscored the importance of inter-agency cooperation, particularly in the joint efforts to curb the movement of smuggled vehicles on Nigerian roads. “I am very sure that all my officers and I have really enjoyed the outing. I promise that moving forward, we will be part of this exercise every month,” Adeniyi said, emphasizing the need for the two agencies to continue working closely together.

He further highlighted the potential for their systems to synergize, stating, “Through this collaboration, we can ensure that every vehicle registered in Nigeria has paid the correct duties, and together, we can prevent smuggled cars from infiltrating our roads.”

In his remarks, Corps Marshal Shehu Muhammad echoed Adeniyi’s sentiments, stressing the value of social activities and exercises in building a more cohesive security network. “Good health is not just wealth; it’s freedom and one of the greatest blessings from God,” Muhammad said, adding that the monthly walk would help improve the health and productivity of officers from both agencies.

Muhammad also lauded CGC Adeniyi for his participation, describing it as a testament to the strong partnership between the NCS and FRSC. “What the Comptroller-General of Customs and his team showcased this morning reflects the spirit of love and good synergy between us. Customs are our brothers,” he said.

The event marked another milestone in the relationship between the NCS and FRSC, with both agencies expressing confidence that such partnerships would continue to thrive, leading to more effective security operations across the country.

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