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Exclusive Interview with Area G Commander: Ensuring Safety and Community Collaboration in Ogba

In an exclusive interview with the Societal Concerns Media Network, the Area G Commander of the Nigeria Police Force Ogba Division emphasized the importance of swift response and community engagement in maintaining security. The commander highlighted the division's proactive measures in safeguarding critical infrastructure, particularly NEPA installations, within their jurisdiction.

Proactive Security Measures - The commander assured that the police division is vigilant in monitoring key facilities and ensuring a visible presence. Patrol teams are actively engaged in protecting local businesses and critical installations, preventing potential threats before they escalate.

Community Policing and Cooperation - A significant focus of the discussion was on the role of community policing. The commander underscored the importance of building strong relationships with local residents and leaders, including traditional, religious, and community figures. This partnership has been crucial in gathering timely and relevant information, which has helped in preemptively addressing issues.

Calm Amidst Potential Unrest - The commander noted that there have been no major incidents of unrest in the area, attributing this to the community's adherence to government directives and their willingness to communicate with the police. The absence of protests and disturbances was highlighted as a positive outcome of effective communication and a shared commitment to public safety.

Call for Continued Support - In a message to the public, the commander called for continued cooperation from all stakeholders. He emphasized the need for ongoing collaboration to maintain quality service and ensure the safety of all residents. The police force remains committed to putting in their best efforts to protect the community.

The Area G Commander’s remarks reflect a dedicated approach to community-oriented policing, highlighting the crucial role of cooperation between the police and the public in maintaining peace and security. This interview underscores the importance of proactive measures and community engagement in addressing societal concerns and ensuring a safe environment for all.

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