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Nigeria Police Refute Amnesty International's Death Toll Claims Amid Protests

The Nigeria Police Force has disputed a report by Amnesty International alleging that 13 people have died during the ongoing nationwide protests. In a press release, the police provided a detailed account of the incidents over the first two days, clarifying that only seven deaths were recorded.

According to the police statement, four individuals were killed in Borno State in a terrorist attack by suspected Boko Haram/ISWAP elements. Additionally, two civilians tragically lost their lives when an unregistered car struck protesters. In another incident in Kebbi State, a looter was reported dead.

The police emphasized that no further fatalities occurred beyond these incidents. They also reported numerous instances of armed robbery, arson, and property destruction during the protests. In total, 681 individuals were arrested for various criminal offenses, and dangerous weapons, including two AK-47 rifles, were seized.

Importantly, the police clarified that no arrests were made of peaceful protesters; those detained were linked to criminal activities. During the unrest, nine police officers were injured, with one officer initially reported dead but later found to be in critical condition.

The police urged law-abiding citizens to distance themselves from the protests, which have increasingly turned violent. They reiterated their commitment to providing accurate information and maintaining safety and security during this tumultuous period.

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