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NIMASA Engages Maritime Journalists in Open Forum at Eko Hotel and Suites

The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) held an open forum on Monday, bringing together maritime journalists and key stakeholders at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island. This interactive session aimed to tackle challenges affecting Nigeria's maritime sector while fostering collaboration between the media and NIMASA.

Dr. Dayo Mobereola, the Director-General of NIMASA, led the event alongside Executive Directors Chidi Ofordile (Finance), Fatai Taye Adeyemi (Operations), and Jibril Abba (Maritime Labour and Cabotage Services). Addressing the audience, Dr. Mobereola recognized the essential role maritime journalists play as partners in the sector’s progress.

Amb  Oluwayomi oluwapelumi of Societal Concerns Media Network and Magazine and other  prominent journalists, including Hope Orivri, Timothy Okorocha, Eugene Agha, actively participated, raising concerns about regulatory gaps, maritime diplomacy, and the pressing need for improved communication between agencies like NIMASA, the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), and the Nigerian Shippers' Council (NSC).

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One of the key issues raised was the challenge of illegal activities by unregistered vessels in Nigerian waters. Dr. Mobereola reassured the audience that efforts were being intensified to ensure all vessels are properly registered to identify and curtail illicit operations. He also addressed the complex overlaps between NIMASA, NPA, and NSC, encouraging the media to clarify these issues objectively, as agency representatives may be viewed as biased.

Further, the DG spoke on the long-dormant floating modular dock, stating that plans were in motion to operationalize the facility to drive employment and boost revenue. He also tackled concerns around the Cabotage Vehicle Finance Fund (CVFF), acknowledging previous flaws in disbursement and promising a more structured approach in future allocations to stimulate long-term industry growth.

Regarding seafarer training, Dr. Mobereola emphasized NIMASA’s efforts to facilitate high-quality international training for Nigerian seafarers, citing foreign remittances from seafarers as an indicator of success in other nations. He also mentioned plans to review the NIMASA Act of 2017 to align with global standards, while promising improved data availability for journalists to better inform their reports.

Addressing journalists' concerns about NIMASA’s engagement with coastal states, Dr. Mobereola pledged greater involvement and patience as he continues to settle into his role. He also touched on the high war risk insurance premiums, describing them as an issue driven by international cartels, with plans to escalate the matter to the United Nations.

Dr. Mobereola concluded by tempering expectations for reviving a national carrier, stating that his focus was on aligning Nigeria’s maritime operations with international standards and enhancing certification processes. He assured the journalists that NIMASA would foster stronger cooperation with the media to ensure more effective and transparent communication moving forward.

The forum marked a significant step toward improving maritime sector oversight while strengthening ties between NIMASA and the press for the sector's betterment.

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